As we have moved to virtual briefings, I have increasingly been excerpting short video segments (with permission) as part of my Analyst Cam series.
This time it is Chip Rodgers, Chief Partner Officer at WorkSpan. He describes how enterprise technology has evolved over the last couple of decades especially as we have moved to a cloud, API first world and a co-selling model.
Chip provides an example of the complexity of today’s deals.
"Think of an example like SAP, working with Accenture or Wipro. And deploying it all in the cloud on Google or in Azure. Maybe there's some technology in there, or there's a specific industry solution. Most deals have three, four or sometimes six or seven partners working together. And by the way, each of those partners has their own technology, their own solution, their own deal, and likely some subcontractors. Everybody's got their own CRM so how do you coordinate that co- selling effort and leverage the best of each of the players that are participating?”
Their solution covers collaboration across various marketing, sales, and other activities across partner cohorts.
WorkSpan has grown nicely in the last few years and claims $50 billion in joint pipeline value across vendor ecosystems
Chip explains all that and more in about 20 minutes – very nicely done.