I have been preaching a focus on balanced energy – invest in wind and solar, but also in upgrades to nuclear, hydroelectric, geothermal and other energy sources. And don’t demonize fossil fuels till the others scale up significantly. My note last year, The road to energy hell…is being paved with good intentions, predicted a bumpy transition away from fossils. The recent crisis in Ukraine and the resulting spike in energy prices are just the beginning and are forcing an urgent rethink of energy strategies.
As one of my New Year resolutions, I promised a lot of focus on energy, carbon reduction and the circular economy on my innovation blog, New Florence.
Here are 10 recent entries:
The promise of the hydrogen economy
Hydroelectric as most popular renewable fuel
Solar energy from the American desert
Exciting progress on nuclear fusion
Creative uses of captured carbon
Solar panels covering canals – avoiding evaporation and generating energy
Synthetic biology to create carbon negative chemicals
ML maps nearly 70,000 solar energy sites with capacity of at least 10 kilowatts.
Much more to come.