As we have moved to virtual briefings, I have increasingly been excerpting short video segments (with permission ) as part of my Analyst Cam series.
On the best of days, it is difficult to navigate SAP’s very wide product portfolio. And from a marketing pov, S/4HANA and cloud properties like SuccessFactors get much of the attention. So, one of my goals this year was to get exposure to SAP Industries and to SAP offerings for small and mid-market customers. You can see my extensive vertical coverage summarized here.
Rainer Zinow, who heads SAP product management for its mid market ERP offerings has been very generous with his time over the last few months and presents below crisply on the positioning of Business One v Business ByDesign and also v S/4HANA. As he points out customers can be confident they will not outgrow SAP’s product portfolio.
We discuss plenty of topics of interest to SMEs including multi-tenancy, augmented reality, ML and in case of MNCs, the opportunities and challenges of two-tier implementations to blanket their smaller subsidiaries around the world.
He next invited Jory Lamb, CEO and Founder of VistaVu, a SAP B1 and BYD partner to join him to discuss innovations and verticalization for the SME market. I will run that as a Burning Platform episode tomorrow.
The two episodes bring out nicely SAP’s strength in the mid-market contrary to the market perception as them only being a choice for large, global companies