On Friday, I wrote about Suvir Mirchandani, a 14 year old who has analyzed how the government can save in printing costs. Tongue in cheek, I called him Deal Architect Jr, because of the $ 400 million savings potential his analysis showed. Readers have congratulated me thinking he is my son (he is not – we have two very accomplished kids of our own), and shared news coverage of him (including a CNN interview). I also learned his brother, Rishi and he are classical pianists and good at other fields.
This morning I got a tweet from an Australian TV reporter asking to interview Suvir. I reached out to his father, Prakash. It turns out we are related. No slouch himself, he teaches Operations Research at the Katz School at U. of Pittsburgh and has a Ph.D from MIT. He told me interview requests were coming in from around the world – BBC, Fox etc. Nice to see media cover a young prodigy but he is back to focus on school and not doing more interviews. That’s even more impressive
Given the boys interest in academic, musical and other pursuits, I told their dad they were “young Polymaths”. I asked him if I could ship them a copy of The New Polymath.
Hope it inspires them to continue to pursue excellence in a wide range of interests! May global media continue to write about their accomplishments as they grow.
We need more feel good stories like this.