Verne Harnish at Fortune talks about 5 ways to close big deals – now.
- Help the deciders earn more
- Quantify the cost of delay
- Get them to put skin in the game
- Submit three proposals
- Hire an Influencer
And it took me into the locker rooms in New Orleans this week. It is so easy to game plan on a chalk board.
I would love to have Fortune turn that into a more dynamic simulation
- where the buyers have their own influencers
- where the buyers have ethical guidelines on using corporate purchases for personal gain
- where the buying team has procurement and legal barracudas who have been hustled countless times to buy NOW!
- where the competition submits not 3, but 4 proposals each
- where the surest way to fast track a proposal is to show overwhelming payback from whatever is being sold
That would be fun to watch – and I would likely add to my list of 10 stupid salesperson tricks :)