either Gartner is asleep at the wheel, or IBM has an ulterior motive.
So what exactly is IBM doing building industry support for a white paper - the Open Cloud Manifesto? And what to make of Microsoft’s sniping about it :“An open Manifesto emerging from a closed process is at least mildly ironic.”?
And is it true as I heard earlier in week that the IBM employees driving the initiative all have at least 20 years tenure – i.e. come from its mainframe roots?
It is supposedly embargoed till Monday but Geva Perry is not subject to any embargo and has posted it here.
My question is have any of employees at IBM’s $ 50 billion outsourcing business seen it? Because I am afraid we will get “Huh? You kidding” when they are asked to match amazon’s 25c a GB a month pricing for storage.
And where is Gartner about all this?