On my New Florence innovation blog I have started a guest series on how technology has changed a hobby or weekend passion.
Check them out here
This week, another 5 posts have gone up:
- My contribution about our beagle, Peanuts
- Tom Wailgum on home videos and his twin sons
- Dan Dal Degan and basketball coaching
- Jason Busch on restoring antique books – he has restored over 400
- Rita Mirchandani, my daughter, on chess
Previous weeks, were the first 20:
- Timothy Chou on green living – PV panels, LED and catchments
- Tom Ryan on marksmanship with his target rifle
- Michael Lamoureux on Armchair Archaeology made possible by Google Earth and other tech
- Paul Wiest on cycling – he averages 4,500 miles a month!
- Jim Rafferty on chasing that frustrating little white ball across the grass
- Harish Malani on international travel – he’s been to 100+ countries
- Mike Prosceno on fishing – not the lazy Saturday afternoon kind
- Tom Foydel on the gift that keeps on giving
- Francine McKenna talks about good, old fashioned reading
- Alvaro "Blag" contributes a cartoon - his hobby is creating "tech toons"
- Charlie Bess talks about his passion - helping youth get excited about science and engineering
- Devan Sabaratnam on rock guitar - from his youth and now that his kids are taking to it
- Christian Schuh on Soccer Coaching – which take up 25 weekends in a year!
- Kimberly Baker McDonald on how technology has made her a fearless “side-tripper”
- Brian Sommer on some serious tinkering with cars
- Dennis Howlett on home made brews
- Eric Dirst, CIO of DeVry on jogging, in the Chicago marathon and in the bitter winter there
- Sig Rinde, the Norwegian transplant in France, on skiing
- Bob Warfield, owner of 9 patents, on hot rodding and a bunch of other passions
- Josh Greenbaum with a contrarian - why he avoids technology in his hobbies
Readers, if you have a passion - cooking, basket weaving, whatever - and want to write about how tech is changing it, send me a quick note with your hobby and if it is not a dupe with others in the pipeline I will work with you to develop the column.