My wife has ordered me to quit watching CNN and BBC and SkyNews as I have almost non-stop for the last day. I suspect I am like so many watching the Mumbai mess and swinging from remorse to anger to fantasy - of running the counter-op. Of course, in my case I am focused on how to use technology for advantage.
Was the mobile traffic between the terrorists being monitored or jammed? Who analyzed the chatter ahead of the attack? What intelligence was picked up from the paper copies of passports Indian hotels make when you check-in? Are both sides monitoring the endless stream of TV, Twitter, web updates to plan their moves? Is it disinformation when they keep saying - prematurely - that they are in mop-up, close-out state at each of the attack sites? Do the bad guys have sleepers who may join as time passes? Should India have allowed the Israelis to storm the Chabad house? Should the Indian commandos have been brought in earlier?
This Black Friday is turning very black - and I cannot even begin to match the mood of those in the city.
My wife is right. Best I should do is get off the TV/Web/mobile grid - and just go pray for the brave rescue teams and for the victims that this ends soon.