For the last few years SAP and Oracle have provided a series of entertaining "who is more black" episodes. And while they mock each other, SaaS vendors have continued to flourish, and newer categories of social media and vertical vendors have emerged. And corporations have tipped the buy/build equilibrium back towards custom build.
But now, as Ben Worthen points out, IBM/HP may become the new Pot/Kettle: " IBM will upsell even more services, Svinte wrote in his email. He
rattles off a laundry list of acronyms and buzz words like Managed
Business Process Outsourcing that he says IBM offers and H-P doesn’t."
Hush - don't tell either they only have 15% services market share between themselves. As with SAP and Oracle, let innovation happen elsewhere - as in cloud computing. And don't tell them CIOs have started to hire more and build more internal capability.
But don't tell them so we can look forward to entertaining comments from both.
I better line up other translations for Pot-Kettle having used the German, French, Spanish and Hungarian ones for the SAP-Oracle series :)
Must be the water in Texas
I sure hope my school and early career days in Texas pay off in health, if not wealth. Its billionaires just do not believing in retiring.
There's Boone Pickens, now 80, having made his fortune in "awl" now crusading for wind power. Ross Perot, now 78, years removed from EDS still railing against national debt.
So why expect less from the "younger generation" of its billionaires? Michael, now 43, back in the saddle at Dell. Mark Cuban, 50, years removed from and Bubble 1.0, leads a hyper acting, blogging life and is chasing after the Chicago Cubs and more.
August 30, 2008 in People Commentary | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)