So, as mobile companies rush to offer unlimited call plans, I wanted to ask my readers what creative and zany things they have done or seen others do when they are invited to a buffet by the Duke of Decibels...
My 3 stories:
a) Back when we had airphones in planes, GTE (now Verizon) ran a $ 20 promotion - one rate per call, no time limit. Usually it cost around $ 4 a minute. This fellow spoke non-stop for 3 hours. He switched between English and his native tongue (I think Nigerian). He screamed into the phone, then would sing in to it. All of us around laughed, cringed with his cadence...all the way.
b) In the UK when they had a similar unlimited mobile minutes promotion a few years ago, a man told me he used his and his wife's cell phones as a baby monitor - all night and every time the baby had a nap.
c) I heard about a gentleman who on the road calls his wife on Skype and they keep the call on all night long (Skype to Skype calls are free). It's comforting to both, apparently.
Readers, other stories?