Must be the blog topic of the month...
Nick Carr
Khoi Vinh, Design Director at NY Times
Thomas Otter, at SAP
Jason at 37Signals
Dennis Howlett
and of course a bunch of technical posts on Leopard, Windows Live and other new UI.
Let's face it most enterprise UI "progress" is incremental and involves cute motifs, crisper edges -like the Vista Aero Interface. And a litany of gaffes.
Capturing data accurately, once at source has long being a design principle in automating business processes. Personally, I get a lot more excited when I see a vendor showing me scanners, bar code guns, sensors etc which capture data automatically. Even better a vendor with cajones to say - you know that entry process in past release which took up 3 screens - gone!
Alright, cannot blow away all screens? least show me a Surface Computing interface. Show me data representation like in IBM's Many Eyes
Or put a voice interface on SAP. Then instead of prettiness, we can argue about squeakiness -)