This continues a series of burning questions I pose to my readers to hopefully spark some debate in the comments.
CIO Insight goes "We asked CIOs who participated in this month's Emerging Technologies Survey to tell us which Web 2.0 applications they use personally. It turns out they're avid consumers of many of these technologies. Around half watch video online and use wikis, blogs and RSS; about a third use social networking sites like LinkedIn; and 12 percent even use virutal worlds like Second Life."
Brad Feld on other hand goes "Get ready to start hearing “Social Graph” as frequently as you hear “Web 2.0.” The construct of the Social Graph (and its friend – Social Network) has been around for a while. Now that Facebook has stolen our minds (and help us control our friends), we all are part of a social network. Or nine. Or 721"
One graph - The Gartner Hype cycle - is what I would like readers to comment on. Where are social and web 2.0 technologies on the hype cycle. What do you think - Peak, Trough, Slope?