"Anybody who doesn’t know how to post anonymously on the net is incompetent and deserves to be outed."
says an anonymous commenter on a blog on John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods, who in turn is supposed to have posted comments on a competitor under an assumed name.
Yes, that's what I would like on my resume. "Successfully posted annoying comments on various blogs and chat rooms for years. And they never did figure out who I was. I showed them my competence!"
As I wrote here -
"Made me wonder what extremes the authors
were going to conceal their identities. Using different IP addresses depending
on their identities? And why? Were
they in the FBI witness protection program? Were they blogging from a country
with a repressive regime? I certainly understand if they are."
Update: NY Times provides more examples of what it calls "sock-puppetry"
"Deserves to be outed"
"Anybody who doesn’t know how to post anonymously on the net is incompetent and deserves to be outed."
says an anonymous commenter on a blog on John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods, who in turn is supposed to have posted comments on a competitor under an assumed name.
Yes, that's what I would like on my resume. "Successfully posted annoying comments on various blogs and chat rooms for years. And they never did figure out who I was. I showed them my competence!"
As I wrote here -
"Made me wonder what extremes the authors
were going to conceal their identities. Using different IP addresses depending
on their identities? And why? Were
they in the FBI witness protection program? Were they blogging from a country
with a repressive regime? I certainly understand if they are."
Update: NY Times provides more examples of what it calls "sock-puppetry"
"Deserves to be outed"
"Anybody who doesn’t know how to post anonymously on the net is incompetent and deserves to be outed."
says an anonymous commenter on a blog on John Mackey, the CEO of Whole Foods, who in turn is supposed to have posted comments on a competitor under an assumed name.
Yes, that's what I would like on my resume. "Successfully posted annoying comments on various blogs and chat rooms for years. And they never did figure out who I was. I showed them my competence!"
As I wrote here -
"Made me wonder what extremes the authors were going to conceal their identities. Using different IP addresses depending on their identities? And why? Were they in the FBI witness protection program? Were they blogging from a country with a repressive regime? I certainly understand if they are."
Update: NY Times provides more examples of what it calls "sock-puppetry"
July 14, 2007 in Industry Commentary | Permalink