Garlic Fries. Sushi. Carvery. Kettle Corn. Free WI-FI. Kayaking. All in one location. The Giants stadium in San Francisco is full of surprises. Baseball would be an afterthought. If it was not for the fact that we went on Barry Bond's birthday this past Tuesday. And he had a rare 5 at-bats as he chased home run 756.
The kids loved every minute. To me the hour before the game was the best part. CIO Bill Schlough gave us a personal tour of the stadium and its technologies - in the Hi-Def giant screen, in the private boxes, at the ticket turnstiles, in the solar panels, in the scouting. And yes the free WI-FI so you can play hooky for day games and still be at "work". After all, it is AT&T Park and it is a great marketing coup for a company taking heat for its slow network and lack of free hot spot roaming around the iPhone launch.
I had a jam packed week of treats with the kids in S and N. California and Vegas. At the end of the week I asked the boys to rank their favorite events. Sean, my cousin's son, unequivocally ranked the Giants tops. My son was a little less forthcoming. I suspect his favorite was the visit to the beautiful house in Pebble Beach where he learned to play poker.
Bill, sorry for my son's poker face about the Giants. I did not see him complain that we did not leave till the 13th inning. It was a magical evening for all us kids.
Like. Wow. Man.
Josh Bernoff of Forrester has the Social Media world abuzz with the revelation that the term "users" is so 80s.
The slight problem is most "users" today are NOT people. In the Internet of Things, conversations between devices and sensors and other things already dwarf human social network traffic.
Would be cool to have these users join us in singing "Kumbaya" by the campfire. With R2-D2 whistling along.
Now that would rock.
July 28, 2007 in Industry Commentary | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)