Ironically, on my post titled Extreme Transparency on the New Florence blog, I get an anonymous comment
" So... speaking of transparency, how about disclosing which outsourcing vendors you own stock in?"
Usually I do not allow anon comments. My position on anon comments is summarized here. And I was just going to delete it. But I have chosen to respond and share a glimpse of my investment portfolio.
Now, since we are talking about transparency would this commenter similarly identify himself/herself?
As I asked in my post above:
"Compared to that (blogger in Iran) what do we in the West have to fear?"
On Transparency
Ironically, on my post titled Extreme Transparency on the New Florence blog, I get an anonymous comment
" So... speaking of transparency, how about disclosing which outsourcing vendors you own stock in?"
Usually I do not allow anon comments. My position on anon comments is summarized here. And I was just going to delete it. But I have chosen to respond and share a glimpse of my investment portfolio.
Now, since we are talking about transparency would this commenter similarly identify himself/herself?
As I asked in my post above:
"Compared to that (blogger in Iran) what do we in the West have to fear?"
On Transparency
Ironically, on my post titled Extreme Transparency on the New Florence blog, I get an anonymous comment
" So... speaking of transparency, how about disclosing which outsourcing vendors you own stock in?"
Usually I do not allow anon comments. My position on anon comments is summarized here. And I was just going to delete it. But I have chosen to respond and share a glimpse of my investment portfolio.
Now, since we are talking about transparency would this commenter similarly identify himself/herself?
As I asked in my post above:
"Compared to that (blogger in Iran) what do we in the West have to fear?"
June 29, 2007 in Industry Commentary | Permalink