On my recent trip to Hungary I picked up a local version of the expression "Pot calling Kettle black". Actually it is an owl telling another bird it has a fat head.
Close enough to continue this series of Oracle/SAP pot/kettle series - see English, Spanish, German, French episodes.
In his earnings call this week, Charles Phillips of Oracle said "Our strategy of combining innovation with acquisitions is clearly beating SAP’s strategy of trying to build everything themselves using a 1970s-era proprietary programming language"
Let's see now. Oracle's bread and butter business (almost 70% of revenues) is still based on the relational database technology that Codd and Date first wrote about in the 70s.
"But, Vinnie look at all the innovations we are delivering in 11g...."
Forget fat heads. What is impressive is the fat margins both vendors continue to expect for decades-old technologies...