I was talking to Ray Lane a few weeks ago. And I was blown away - he was talking fluently about the ethanol yield from corn versus cane. He is spending half his time looking at green investments for Kleiner. Only towards the end of the conversation did we turn to software - social networking, Oracle ...yawn.
His former partner, Vinod Khosla, who made a ton in telecom and network plays is even deeper in to green investing.
President Bush spent considerable time in last week's State of the Union speech (and since) on alternative energy discussion.
Business 2.0's latest issue is all about going green.
Which brings us to Tom Friedman, who has moved on from Bangalore to Green is the new Red, White and Blue.
In our flat world, the impact is already being felt. Mexico is in the middle of a "tortilla crisis" as corn is being redeployed to make ethanol. Ray would say Brazilian cane is more efficient.
$ 2 per barrel of oil, anyone? Barrel, not gallon...
Child's Play
BL Ochman points to a mashup her 10 year old created. Saw it courtesy of Dennis Howlett.
In the meantime, Jeff Nolan addresses the dearth of web services in the enterprise world.
More proof that in some ways the living room is ahead of the boardroom.
January 31, 2007 in Industry Commentary | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)