'Tis the season when grown folks tag each other and extract embarrassing personal details of people they meet in blog world. I came back from vacation and found Paul, Mark, Jason had tagged me. Thanks, guys - but I am a pretty boring guy ...let me dig in to my skeleton closet...
So here are 5 things few know about me
a) I have been to 40+ countries, lived in 6 for at least 3 months - but till this week had never been to our neighbor, Mexico. If 4 hours at a beach there counts as a visit.
b) My wife and daughter tried really hard for me to enter the "hairy
chest" contest on the cruise we were just on! I responded "over my Dead Man's Chest". Did not work. Then I invoked the scene from Borat and they quickly dropped the suggestion. Whew!
c) After 5 million plus miles of flying, I am still a nervous flyer. Even the slightest turbulence wakes me up. After 4 days of cruising, the turbulence on the boat gave me similar shakes. Need to get me a cruiser like John Madden.
d) Southwest Airlines runs a "wanna get away?" set of commercials about embarrassing personal moments. My get away moment was in a MBA case study presentation I made to the CEO and execs of Southwest! It was finals week and I could barely stay awake during our pitch where we "advised" them on corporate strategy.
e) I hate chain emails - the kind that threaten dire consequences or promise unbelievable wealth or just plain are friendly spam...
....so here I go blog tagging and starting a chain of my own...except, I don't want no stinkin' details of other bloggers.
My tags are women I have admired through the decades and ask Santa for each year - Raquel Welch, Lynda Carter, Sophia Loren, Pamela Anderson, Cameron Diaz.
Now if only one of them had asked me to join the contest above -)
Happy holidays and tagging (and other silly stuff we do this time of the year)! Cheers.