In 1994, I ran a unit of PwC in Oakbrook, IL. I happened to find myself back there this week. Oakbrook is home to McDonalds, and they also have a new concept store across the street from HQ. It has several components of what we will see from them in the future. A patio for outside munching. A section with a fire place. A Starbucks like McCafe. WI-FI. CD Burners. Upstairs seating area. Large plasma TVs. Bar area with stools. Two lane drive through. Tasteful vases on every table. Two booths in corner with seat level power outlets for quick meetings. Very little plastic on seats. Lots of natural light.
A few miles from Oakbrook, the Gerasole sisters, 10 and 8 want to introduce young and old to food way beyond what McDonalds is ever likely to serve - Armenian, Japanese and American fare. They run a site call and recently won a Gerald Beard award that far more experienced chefs covet.
In a restaurant industry where average life span is less than 5 years, I was pleasantly surprised to find Baisi Thai still around in Oakbrook after I first went there 12 years ago. My favorite beer - Singha. My favorite sauce - Green coconut and basil curry. Nice to see the food industry evolve, but am sure glad some things do not change.