John Hagel explains why in spite of security concerns, if we want world class port management, we will likely not find it in the US. Chris Dickey of Newsweek explains that Dubai is a progressive, moderate element in the Middle East - indeed a big ally to the West there. The ports management contract should not be a big deal.
As readers of my blog know, I am a big fan of free trade and have taken on Lou Dobbs and other protectionists. But I believe here moderate Arabs and Muslims have lost the marketing war. Dubai, one could argue is like Singapore - a city state ahead of most countries in adapting to the changing world order. But by not more aggressively tackling and criticizing the extreme Islamic fringe, they have let what should be a positive, differentiated image get neutralized.
While Chris Dickey paints the reaction of mainstream Americans as xenophobia, I would argue it is more of a marketing challenge for the moderates in the Middle East. We need to keep helping them, but they need to step up too as I wrote here.
Update: March 10. The deal is dead. Rich Karlgaard summarizes a number of perspectives here. No reason to celebrate.