My post this morning Addicted to Blogs is already the single most read post I have ever had. That too on a Sunday (ok, Super Bowl last Sunday would have been tough to compete against)
It took me 15 minutes to write. Others have taken days to think about, write, rewrite - and may be 20 folks read them. As Forrest Gump said " a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get". One reader called my post an "incredible mashup". In the web 2.0 world that is the equivalent of knighthood!
3 bloggers I want to thank for inspiring my "addicted" post yesterday
a) Om Malik, prolific blogger, who from the beach yesterday had to blog and post an entry called Perfect reason to Not blog
b) Dennis Howlett, who writes his best stuff between 8 and 10 pm eastern - except he writes from Spain, 6 hours ahead.
c) Robert Scoble, who created a little firestorm yesterday with his comments about "blogger ethics" and generated an amazing amount of passion for a Saturday (over 75 comments on his post)
Each of them in different ways shows how addictive blogs have become for the writers and readers. Like those chocolates Forrest was talking about.