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Tom Peters has never liked big M&A and comments on Oracle's multiple deals here and performance impact.
I have written before I am also a fan of small deals - dim sum v/s the 72 ounce steak meal.
Update: Paul Kedrosky points to a rumor about Oracle's plan for an Open Source roll -up. While individually small, that would be a lot of dim sum
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Bite sized M&A
Tom Peters has never liked big M&A and comments on Oracle's multiple deals here and performance impact.
I have written before I am also a fan of small deals - dim sum v/s the 72 ounce steak meal.
Update: Paul Kedrosky points to a rumor about Oracle's plan for an Open Source roll -up. While individually small, that would be a lot of dim sum
February 09, 2006 in Enterprise Software (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP), Industry Commentary, M&A in Technology | Permalink