Joe Vales, who pioneered BPO at PwC and is now an adviser to several BPO firms as they chase large opportunities, is interviewed here.
Other than a major influencer in a large, emerging market I have written about here, he is one hell of a nice guy. I have chewed up many of his hours seeking advice on how to run a small business.
To my point in an earlier post, technology buyers need to realize vendors rely on seasoned advisers like him. They need not hesitate about stacking their own deck.
Meet Joe Vales
Joe Vales, who pioneered BPO at PwC and is now an adviser to several BPO firms as they chase large opportunities, is interviewed here.
Other than a major influencer in a large, emerging market I have written about here, he is one hell of a nice guy. I have chewed up many of his hours seeking advice on how to run a small business.
To my point in an earlier post, technology buyers need to realize vendors rely on seasoned advisers like him. They need not hesitate about stacking their own deck.
Meet Joe Vales
Joe Vales, who pioneered BPO at PwC and is now an adviser to several BPO firms as they chase large opportunities, is interviewed here.
Other than a major influencer in a large, emerging market I have written about here, he is one hell of a nice guy. I have chewed up many of his hours seeking advice on how to run a small business.
To my point in an earlier post, technology buyers need to realize vendors rely on seasoned advisers like him. They need not hesitate about stacking their own deck.
December 10, 2005 in Outsourcing (Business Process - BPO), People Commentary | Permalink