After reading one of my posts, a gentleman who works on emerging technologies at a large MNC points out " The sensors/GPS/RFID devices will move us ever closer to the much discussed and desired 'real-time' enterprise - both in commercial businesses and in military applications. A great amount of data will be generated from these devices as IT literally moves to the shop floor, warehouse, sales floor, battlefield, vehicles, etc. Enterprises and military units that can take this data and apply traditional and break-through analytics to make sense and understand it all will be able to make process and inventory changes on the fly which should provide a first mover competitive and tactical advantage to those that get it right". Great point.
Einstein would salivate. The 4 physical dimensions - 3 related to space, and 1 related to time - embedded in streams of electronic data. Location Aware Real Time Enterprise (LARTE)!
Related note - interesting LARTE application New Scientist points out:
"Some parties die with a whimper, while some are swamped in the blink of an eye, all thanks to social networks and the cellphone revolution"
Probably related to something stronger than latte and about metaphysical dimensions ....