BusinessWeek shows that brand name printer ink costs more per ounce than Chanel no. 5 or 1990 Dom Perignon.
Large incumbent tech vendors just cannot adjust to life with more realistic margins. No wonder third party options are gathering market share - like third party software maintenance, Open Source, offshore systems integration, VoIP. Explains why market leadership in every tech category changes every few years.
Eau de HP
BusinessWeek shows that brand name printer ink costs more per ounce than Chanel no. 5 or 1990 Dom Perignon.
Large incumbent tech vendors just cannot adjust to life with more realistic margins. No wonder third party options are gathering market share - like third party software maintenance, Open Source, offshore systems integration, VoIP. Explains why market leadership in every tech category changes every few years.
Eau de HP
BusinessWeek shows that brand name printer ink costs more per ounce than Chanel no. 5 or 1990 Dom Perignon.
Large incumbent tech vendors just cannot adjust to life with more realistic margins. No wonder third party options are gathering market share - like third party software maintenance, Open Source, offshore systems integration, VoIP. Explains why market leadership in every tech category changes every few years.
November 18, 2005 in Industry Commentary | Permalink