More proof as an industry we do not know how to run mega IT projects. This story here in Computerworld and this one in AccountancyAge talks about a big, troubled Deloitte SAP project in Ireland. Will have to ask my sister-in-law working in the Irish healthcare system if it affected her...
800 Pound Gorillas make tough pets
More proof as an industry we do not know how to run mega IT projects. This story here in Computerworld and this one in AccountancyAge talks about a big, troubled Deloitte SAP project in Ireland. Will have to ask my sister-in-law working in the Irish healthcare system if it affected her...
800 Pound Gorillas make tough pets
More proof as an industry we do not know how to run mega IT projects. This story here in Computerworld and this one in AccountancyAge talks about a big, troubled Deloitte SAP project in Ireland. Will have to ask my sister-in-law working in the Irish healthcare system if it affected her...
November 18, 2005 in Enterprise Software (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP), Industry Commentary, Outsourcing (other vendors) | Permalink