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Look at Sadagopan's Google/Yahoo catch! The gman and gmail...
check this from Dennis Howlett on Systems Union. Well, duh...
and Chris Selland on Accenture's views on CRM...oh? Where can clients sign up for a refund?
or Jeff Nolan on this stadium (maybe the NCAA was also planning to banish the Seminoles to a reservation on that island?)
Keep it up eagle eyes!
This insight plus 6 quarters may, possibly buy us a cup of coffee at Starbucks...but if not, still gives us something to look for in the morning.
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All the News that's fit to Blog
Look at Sadagopan's Google/Yahoo catch! The gman and gmail...
check this from Dennis Howlett on Systems Union. Well, duh...
and Chris Selland on Accenture's views on CRM...oh? Where can clients sign up for a refund?
or Jeff Nolan on this stadium (maybe the NCAA was also planning to banish the Seminoles to a reservation on that island?)
Keep it up eagle eyes!
This insight plus 6 quarters may, possibly buy us a cup of coffee at Starbucks...but if not, still gives us something to look for in the morning.
August 14, 2005 in Industry Commentary, Little to do with IT, but interesting! | Permalink