Another sign of the growth - if not the growing influence - of blogging. AlwaysOn announced the Open Media 100.
It is good to see Toolsmith and Enabler categories recognized - they are helping organize and optimize the exploding world of blogs. But the nominees in the content/influence oriented categories - not sure corporate CIOs would recognize even one of the names. Most of the nominees represent a community which fawns over Apple and Google, and could not begin to spell SunGard or BEA.
Ok, enough nitpicking - let's celebrate the pioneers and keep making the "Open" analyst community more influential in the corporate technology world...
"Open Media 100"
Another sign of the growth - if not the growing influence - of blogging. AlwaysOn announced the Open Media 100.
It is good to see Toolsmith and Enabler categories recognized - they are helping organize and optimize the exploding world of blogs. But the nominees in the content/influence oriented categories - not sure corporate CIOs would recognize even one of the names. Most of the nominees represent a community which fawns over Apple and Google, and could not begin to spell SunGard or BEA.
Ok, enough nitpicking - let's celebrate the pioneers and keep making the "Open" analyst community more influential in the corporate technology world...
"Open Media 100"
Another sign of the growth - if not the growing influence - of blogging. AlwaysOn announced the Open Media 100.
It is good to see Toolsmith and Enabler categories recognized - they are helping organize and optimize the exploding world of blogs. But the nominees in the content/influence oriented categories - not sure corporate CIOs would recognize even one of the names. Most of the nominees represent a community which fawns over Apple and Google, and could not begin to spell SunGard or BEA.
Ok, enough nitpicking - let's celebrate the pioneers and keep making the "Open" analyst community more influential in the corporate technology world...
June 24, 2005 in Industry analysts (Gartner, Forrester, AMR, others), Industry Commentary | Permalink